Tomorrow 24/01/2019, depending on the weather, I will go a day to the IPM in Essen, Germany to promote Horti-assist and start networking. I am looking forward to this! The ‘real work’ is finally coming closer now. But I must admit that I, until now, also liked all the work needed to be done with the start pf a company. During that work I needed to develop an interest in subjects I was not experienced in before. Always nice to develop myself!

Update 25/01/2019: The visit to IPM was for me a really good possibility to promote Horti-Assist. I did not expect to talk with so many people: The business cards I took with me, where all gone at the end of the day! I met so many people I did not know before (and also many well-known people to me). Now let’s hope that these chats provide me with some nice projects. After yesterday, I have definitely more confidence that that will succeed!